Jeff Sherratt's new Jimmy O'Brien book, Detour to Murder, takes all the classy charm, the wry humor, the tossed-by-fate attitude of traditional film noir narratives - and its namesake Detour in particular - and gives them to the reader fresh, new, and thoroughly unpredictable. Will the tragical traditions of film noir reign in this novel as well? Or will we be taken by surprise with a happy ending after all? Will the twists and turns of the story follow the internal turmoil of a hopeless, hapless character, or will the twists and turns be more in line with Jimmy O'Brien's usual historical, social, and political windings? The story could take any number of detours (pun absolutely intended), and we can't wait to hear what you have to say about them.
The clock is quickly ticking down to our October 12th release date. Check out Jeff's BookTour calendar for detailed information about pre-release events and other Jeff Sherratt sightings in the fast-approaching future.
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