It was not only good to hear our author among his compatriots, but good to learn a bit more about Sisters in Crime, an organization that advocates for the equality of mystery authors in the marketplace - and publishing place. Sisters in Crime sets up dozens of panels and events for readers and writers throughout the year, making a wonderful resource for mystery/thriller aficionados around the world. Jeff Sherratt was a past board member for the organization, so it's no wonder he's a fan - but the organization speaks for itself in terms of literary quality, advocacy, and active participation in the field.
Equally as informative and delightful was getting to hear from the other authors on the panel. Bob Levinson proved to be a wonderful resource with his years of experience in the industry. Darrell James had thoughtful, compelling perspectives on the art and craft of writing. (His own writing style will be provocatively displayed on Jeff's next book cover for Detour to Murder. Thank you, Darrell!) From Jeff, of course, we heard more of his fascinating stories, the sort of tales that make you want to pick up his book and start reading. If you've chewed through Brimstone Murders and Guilty or Else, you haven't yet exhausted his store. Check out Expectation of Murder, the newest in the Jimmy O'Brien series, available as an exclusive ebook, for Kindle and iBooks.
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